You've probably already heard it somewhere else, but I'm putting this out, just in case.
The UK prime minister has called a general election. It is scheduled to take place on 2024-07-04.
This entry is a call to action for anyone eligible to vote in the UK.
Sit down and have a think about how life's going at the moment.
How do you feel about this country? Are you proud to be British, most of the time? If you're not British, how do you feel about living here?
A lot of your money finds its way into the government, through taxes. Do you feel like you're getting the value back, through the services you receive in return? Are you happy with these services?
Do you think the government is spending your money on the right things? Do you, perhaps, think they could be spending a little less over here, and a little more over there?
Are there services that you could use, but that aren't readily available in this country? Perhaps there's room for improvement in healthcare, or in education.
Do you think the current laws make too big a deal out of relatively harmless activities? Should some of those laws be relaxed, or perhaps struck off completely?
Conversely, do you think we need a few more laws? Do some people get away with certain wrongdoings, with little to no punishment?
How do you feel about your current work situation?
Are you happy with your salary? We've had a lot of inflation recently. Are you managing to stay ahead of living expenses?
How's your work-life balance these days? This is important, whether you enjoy your job, or simply see it as a means of paying the bills.
It's not a question of if you should vote. You should. Period.
Ideally, your voting decision will be an informed one. Consider the party that feels right for you, and research it. Research its leader, and research the candidate you'll be voting for.
I've been shocked by the results of past general elections. Blatant liars, winning landslide victories, when 5 minutes' research would have infomred you that they were a bad apple.
But how does that happen? Uninformed voters. They'll vote for someone, just because he seems likeable. He'll do bad things, and then, we vote for him again, just because we're not paying attention.
Just try to remember this: The devil doesn't have a pointy tail. He doesn't carry around a pitchfork everywhere he goes. He wears a suit, looks presentable, and will try to charm you. Be vigilant.
That said, while an informed decision is important, it's nowhere near as important as a decision. Simply showing up is far more important.
If you're relatively happy with how this country is run, vote for the party currently in power. They're serving you well now, and with enough votes, they'll continue to do so.
If you think there's some room for improvement, you've got some deciding to do.
If you're happy to vote for one of the two main parties, vote for the opposition. It's gonna be either Labour or Tories anyway, so just go with the one that best matches your values.
If you hate both the big parties, but don't want to do further research, spoil your ballot. Scribble on it. Draw a dick on it, or write down your favourite swear word. Fold it in half, and drop it in the box.
This might seem like a waste of time, but your vote will be counted. If there are enough spoiled ballots in your constituency, your MP will see this, and realise they need to step up their game.
If you've researched alternative parties and found one that you like, go ahead and vote for them. If you don't, this two party system will be around forever.
Locate your polling station. On election day, go there and vote. Don't forget to bring a passport.
If you're away from home on election day, and can't get to your polling station, register to vote by post. Do it now. If not, you'll forget.
That evening, you might be tempted to put on the news and watch the results as they come in. I'd advise against this, just because it tends to drag out for a bit. You'll be up until 4 AM.
That said, I'll probably end up doing just that. I guess I'm a bit of a masochist.
No AI tools were involved in writing this blog entry. I want to talk about that, actually.
Published 2024-05-23.